A new version of our old life
After battening down the hatches to weather the storm, we have slowly begun to return to a new version of our old Incite life. The office has partially re-opened, and although it has been completely ‘Covid-secured’ (fingers-crossed), there is still a hint of Incite personality shining through. We had to get rid of the snack cupboard, sadly, but those that come into the office now get goodie bags filled with treats, stationery and sanitiser – basically we’re running a (very sterile and less fun) children’s party operation at 11 Soho Street!

One thing we do not skimp on at Incite are parties, and a summer party will be had come rain, shine or pandemic. This year we got creative with our good friends at Wildgoose and devised a virtual escape room activity that people couple participate in from the comfort of their own homes or from various parks across London in socially distanced groups. We sent vouchers for Deliveroo and drinks to ensure our people were nourished as well as ‘hydrated’. And a great day was had by all!

Another highlight from the last couple of months was without a doubt the insanely talented Jeyachandran family gracing us with their musical abilities. Pranay, our Deputy MD, and his two daughters Manarah (17) and Ameiyah (13) surprised everyone at Beer O’Clock with a mini gig from their home.

As we continuously adapt to the new normal it’s vital we retain what it means to be Incite. Please get in touch if you’d like to hear more about our upcoming social and cultural activities.